Dance with the quetzals

Oil Painting - 80X80 cm- 2019, private collection

The artist continues to explore dance through this vibrant canvas.

A dancer whose body we only see in motion surrenders completely in an incandescent trance. The storm raging all around evokes a rain dance, a dance shared with five twirling quetzals, magnificent colorful birds emblematic of Central America and symbols of freedom. Figure of the fairy or the witch, the fool with long red hair and a red dress surrenders to joy, to the power of existing in the present moment. She invokes and defeats the elements in an exuberant fantasy nature and the fantastic night, between dog and wolf, good and evil, life and death ...

In reaction to these dark times when COVID, global warming and the temptation of states to confiscate freedoms, the painter chooses the quetzals, threatened exotic birds that allow themselves to die if they are locked up and a free, passionate woman and, once again, a mistress. of his fate.

Dance with the quetzals