Threatened species

Oil Painting - 81 X 100 cm- 2020

The artist pictured himself locked in a zoo enclosure. In abyme, the painter is in the process of realizing another of his works which symbolizes the contempt for Capitalism triumphing over the Living. All around the enclosure, many wild animals, usual residents of the place, enjoy an unexpected freedom here. Wildlife observes the great primate in its works as any human visitor dumbfounded at the agility of the monkeys in their antics.


A new reverie inspired by the COVID-19 epidemic which plunges the whole world into terror. A representation of the fragility of our individual existence, of our existence as a species, a fragility that we ultimately share with all of our animal brothers ... A representation of confinement as an absolute need for protection against the risk of disappearance , a forced confinement in the name of the protection of the species.

In these troubled times, the picture is also a reflection on the future of artists when some argue that only the preservation of "essential activities" counts. What would a society deprived of diversity in artistic creation be, a society that would make its artists rare singularities, zoo "curiosities" ...?

Threatened species